NATO needs a new core task

23. července 2020  18:14
Hans Binnendijk, Timo S. Koster, DefenseNews (USA)
As NATO undertakes its so-called reflection process decided by heads of state and government in London last December, which could lead to a new Strategic Concept, the alliance should boldly address new challenges to the very international system of norms and agreements that have carried it successfully through the past seven decades. This will require stretching NATO’s mission further and adopting a fourth core task, which we call “conserve stability.”  

Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu | foto: NATO Photos

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Hans Binnendijk, Timo S. Koster / NATO needs a new core task. In: DefenseNews, 22. 7. 2020.


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Hans Binnendijk, Timo S. Koster
DefenseNews (USA)
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