Why the ‘Afghanistan Papers’ matter

11. prosince 2019  18:00
Ravi Agrawal & Kathryn Salam, Foreign Policy (USA)
On Monday, the Washington Post published what it calls a “secret history” of the U.S. war in Afghanistan, comprising 2,000 pages of interviews with senior U.S. officials and others directly involved in the conflict. The debriefs, part of a confidential government review on the war effort, contain candid and shocking revelations about how U.S. politicians and generals misled the world about the status of the war.  

Čeští vojáci na patrole v okolí základny v afghánském Bagrámu | foto: Lubomír Světnič

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Ravi Agrawal & Kathryn Salam / Why the ‘Afghanistan Papers’ Matter. In: Foreign Policy, 10. 12. 2019.


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Ravi Agrawal & Kathryn Salam
Foreign Policy (USA)
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