NATO next steps: Upgrade the role of finance ministers

29. prosince 2017  10:30
James Jay Carafano & Herman Pirchner Jr., The National Interest (USA)
While the member nations are preparing for the summit, the Trump administration should press its fellow heads of state to include their finance ministers in their summit delegations. The addition of finance ministers would greatly increase the likelihood of meaningful increases in allied defense spending, and should be the Trump administration’s priority leading up to July.  

Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto. | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

James Jay Carafano & Herman Pirchner Jr. / NATO Next Steps: Upgrade the Role of Finance Ministers. In: The National Interest, 27.12. 2017.


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James Jay Carafano & Herman Pirchner Jr.
The National Interest (USA)
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