NATO's success in Libya

31. října 2011  8:19
Ivo Daalder, James Stavridis, New York Times (USA)
Monday, Oct. 31st, seven months after it started, NATO’s operation in Libya will come to an end. It is the first time NATO has ended an operation it started. And it comes on the heels of an historic victory for the people of Libya who, with NATO’s help, transformed their country from an international pariah into a nation with the potential to become a productive partner with the West.  

Severoatlantická aliance | foto: Lubomír Světnič

Celý článek je dostupný na:
Daalder, I. - Stavridis, J. (2011): NATO's success in Libya. In: New York Times, 31.10.2011.

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Ivo Daalder, James Stavridis
New York Times (USA)
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