Summit NATO 2023

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k summitu ve Vilniusu

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    NATO allies can spend more money, more wisely

    1. června 2017  10:57
    If Donald Trump and Barack Obama agree on something, does that mean it’s true? In the case of Europe’s woeful support of its collective defense, yes: Member states need to contribute their “fair share” toward the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a phrase both men used in speeches in European capitals. The question is what “fair share” means. Instead of measuring how much member nations spend on their defense, NATO should pay more attention to how they spend it.  

    Americký prezident Donald Trump s generálním tajemníkem NATO Jensem Stoltenbergem a německou kancléřkou Angelou Merkel na schůzce NATO v Bruselu. | foto: NATO Photos

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    Editors / NATO allies can spend more money, more wisely. In: Bloomberg, 31.5. 2017.



    Trump on NATO funding: Still misleading after months of fact checks

    Glenn Kessler
    31. 5. 2017, The Washington Post (USA)

    Back in March 2016, The Fact Checker reviewed a series of inaccurate statements that then-candidate Trump made about the funding of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. We concluded that “Trump is simply wrong on direct funding and is imprecise and possibly out of date on indirect funding.” Of course, Trump was just a novice politician in 2016 and now he’s president, able to order up briefings on any subject he wishes. One would expect that he’s had more than one briefing on NATO, especially before his recent trip to NATO headquarters. But, alas, there appears to little increase in his understanding.


    Primer for President Trump: How NATO funding really works

    David M. Herszenhorn
    31. 5. 2017, Politico (Belgium)

    After berating NATO allies over military spending in Brussels, U.S. President Donald Trump declared victory at the G7 summit in Sicily. But his pronouncement that money had begun to “pour in” only confirmed to allies that Trump, even after his visit to NATO headquarters, still didn’t have a clue about how the alliance’s financing actually works.


    Trump’s right on U.S. allies getting a NATO free ride

    31. 5. 2017, Albuquerque Journal (USA)

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel, unhappy with President Donald Trump after last week’s meetings, declared Sunday that Europe “really must take our fate into our own hands“. That’s good news for American taxpayers, the world and Trump.

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